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Wellness Evolution

A diverse conversation about the mind, body, and wellness journey

The Wellness Evolution Podcast was created as a safe environment to share stories, learnings, and tools about mindfulness, chronic illness, spirituality, and mental health.

Our goal is to learn about the various journeys that individuals take to find inner peace and well-being through challenges and triumphs. We invite you to listen to stories from patients, health care professionals, and our community members and to be inspired to open doors to new conversations about the relationship between health and wellness.

Welcome to Wellness Evolution

This podcast brings together a diverse community to discuss topics such as mindfulness, chronic illness, and mental health, as well as cultural and spiritual similarities and differences that make each of us unique yet very much alike. Through informative and inspirational conversations, we will learn to listen to and learn from each other’s experiences.

Check out episodes of Wellness Evolution below — and be sure to subscribe and stay updated on future episodes.

Episode 1

Wellness & Chronic Illness: Awakening your Wellness

Dr. Alejandro Chaoul, Ph.D., Founder, and Director of The Jung Center’s Mind Body Spirit Institute in Houston, Texas, sits down with host Angel Tapia to talk about his work teaching mindfulness at UTHealth Medical School/ MD Anderson as well as his real-life applications with chronic illness patients.

(07:55) Stress Vs. Stressors
(16:20) It’s not just about the disease; it’s about the illness experience
(18:09) Cultural implications in chronic illness treatment
(28:10) Breathing techniques in treatment plans
(29:43) Importance of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) research to advance chronic disease treatment
(34:10) BONUS: STOP (stop, take a deep breath, observe, proceed) technique

Breathing Break:

Understanding Meditation vs. Breathing Exercise

Many people tend to think of meditation and breathing as one in the same. Today, in our first episode of Breathing Through Pain, we will briefly talk about the differences and guide you through a simple breathing exercise.

Episode 2

Self-management and my chronic illness: Proactive in my treatment

Since her rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis, patient Rebecca Council has been through many surgeries and medication trials. In this episode, Rebecca talks about the importance of having resilience as well as support from her wife and her LGBTQ community.

(03:16) Overcoming challenges with loving support
(07:08) Finding community support
(11:58) Different strokes for different folks — what works for you?

Breathing Break:

Breathing Through Anxiety

Follow along in this five-minute breathing exercise based on the Voo technique, which is used to relax the body and reduce anxiety by stimulating the vagus nerve.

Episode 3

Complementary and alternative medicine experience: Aiding your treatments

In this episode, you’ll meet Jennifer Gabiola, a woman living with rheumatoid arthritis who uses her faith to find comfort and strength through her chronic illness journey. You’ll also learn about her experience with the cultural stigma of work-life balance in the Asian community.

(04:33) Journey of self-acceptance and self-love
(11:28) Cultural standards and balance
(14:20) Accepting love from another
(17:32) Connection with Soul

Breathing Break

Breathing Through Stress

Learn about the technique known as Earth Breathing from the Comprehensive Resource Model Manual written by Lisa Schwarz on Integrative Medicine. Earth breathing provides an opportunity to connect further with ourselves and the environment around us and to stay consciously aware of the present moment to help reduce our fright/flight responses to stress.

Episode 4

Advocacy and my chronic illness: Raising your voice for yourself and others

Guest Gina Hessburg shares her experience being diagnosed with Optic Neuritis and learning to advocate for herself within the health care system.

(04:41) Meet Raphael the inflatable support friend
(09:39) Being your own Advocate
(11:47) The real struggle in navigating mental health and chronic disease
(14:23) Having goals

Breathing Break:

Breathing Through Anger

Practice Fire Breathing, a powerful tool that has been used by indigenous people for centuries to cleanse and clear attachments that no longer serve them, as well as release emotions like anger.


GHLF’s Wellness Evolution features hosts Angel Tapia and Danielle Ali.

Angel Tapia


Angel is a Patient Advocate and the Hispanic Community Outreach Manager at the Global Healthy Living Foundation

My work background in the health care industry and later within the new thought community created an interesting crossroads that led to my interest in how health and mindfulness intersect. Personally, I did research to learn for myself and to share my learnings with friends and family. This podcast is an opportunity to explore the melting pot of mind, body, and spirit through the experience of personal stories, professionals, and varied communities.

Danielle Ali


Danielle is the Systems Analyst at the Global Healthy Living Foundation

My life background is that I come from a large multicultural family; I have seen lots of pain and ways people try to subdue the pain this life brings. As a person living with CPTSD, I have learned so much about our central nervous system when trying to manage my challenges. It is a fascinating system; managing our mind and body connection is crucial to our overall wellness. We are all on our unique journeys, and the more we have conversations about all aspects of wellness, the more successful each of our journeys will evolve.

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